Abusive Language should not be tolerated on Planet Earth

Everytime someone uses abusive language it is equivalent to a bomb being created and when two many bombs materialise they will explode. This is how World Wars begin.
Control your thoughts
For they become words
Control your words for they become actions
Control your actions
For they become your destiny.

I normally go to Selfridges in Oxford Street for a nice cup of chai tea.
While I was sitting in the cafe some ladies from the fashion department came wearing tee shirts and printed on them was the words... WE DO NOT LIKE SWEAR WORDS. I talked to them and I said I totally agree with you.
When someone uses abusive language .. They want to put fear in you, or dominate you, or intimidate you... They are nothing but devils in disguise.

There are people who constantly use swear words in public..they are uncivilized and one day the words will backfire on them.

If you let Karma built up it will eventually explode.